Growth Energy Executive Leadership Conference 2018 We are extremely proud to play a role in inspiring the next generation of heroes. Mammenga created this comic strip featuring an environmentally friendly hero for the course.

POET’s vision and mission to change the world is inspiring individuals of all ages, including Tate Mammenga, a fifth grader at Webster Area Elementary School near POET - Groton and Big Stone. The event raised about $35,000, which will go to supporting Children’s Inn, a domestic abuse shelter for women and children in Sioux Falls, S.D.
POET teams did well in both the individual time trial and headto- head competitions. The fundraiser features a variety of winter events including skiing, fat tire biking, snowboarding, snow sculpture, cross country skiing and more. POET, LLC sponsored three teams that participated in the 2018 Media One Funski event. They discovered the importance of seeing the strengths of others to work as a team. The training included a discussion worksheet, videos and a creative paper tower activity. In March POET – Ashton Shift Supervisor Jacob Kollasch led some newer POET - Ashton team members through a “Strengths Finder 2.0” training. POET – Ashton Participates in Team Building Activity The POET - Hudson team hopes to continue its contributions to the school lunch debt-relief program, offering each student the ability to have hot lunch on a daily basis. She made each quilt with denim uniform pockets, donated jean material, old T-shirt materials and photos. Team members who contributed to the fund received a chance to win one of five POET quilts donated by Shift Supervisor Dorothy Dodge. The fund provides a lunch of a sandwich and milk to students with a deficit until their lunch accounts become current. POET - Hudson team members raised $1,000 to relieve student lunch debt at Alcester Hudson School District over the 2017 holiday season.

POET - Hudson Raises $1,000 to Relieve Student Lunch Debt Rob Portman and Congressman Bob Latta presented the team with congratulatory letters. POET – Leipsic celebrated 10 years of biofuel production with a luncheon in January 2018 for POET team members and guests.